
Piercing (from Eng., pron. pirsing; in other words body piercing, piercing)
– one of popular forms of decorating the body.
It is about making pierces in specific places on the body (e.g. nose, tongue, lip), and placing there earrings made of titanium, bioplast, teflon (PTFE) and of surgeon’s steel
(in our Beauty Salon only a titan and bioplast are used).
After healing up, it is possible to replace the earring with other, more fitting.


Typically, the process of piercing the body lasts a few minutes (in addition, the pierce itself – a few seconds).
There are special pliers are used for this treatment in order to uphold skin pleats
(they are earlier sterilized in the autoclave). and either PVC needles, or a special injection needle are used

When a piercer agrees with the customer which place is supposed to be pierced, he catches it with pliers, or with his fingers and punctures it with the needle, in which (or into its plastic edge, in the case of PVC one) he places the earring directly.

Sometimes there is a special handgun used instead of needle or pliers for piercing. However this method can be applied only for soft parts of ears (of ear lobes), because in other places it can be harmful and is carries a greater risk of complications.
So-called handguns aren’t adapted to any other part of the body than the ear lobe. It is because, instead of piercing the tissue, (the way a needle does it) – they tear it apart, what makes healing more difficult, and in case of the place, other than an ear – they reduce the possibility of exact measuring. As a result, implementing the right size earring and piercing the skin at a proper angle become difficult.
The cost of the treatment includes:
A sterile, disposable needle, an earring sterilized in the autoclave of titanium or bioplast, card with the instruction of healing recommendations.
The treatment is performed after the prior telephone booking.
In case of persons under the age of 18, a presence of the legal carer, or his/her written consent are required. Along with either the identity card, or its xerox copy. (the signature on the agreement must match the one in the identity card).
Price list of treatments (the price includes an earring made of TYTAN or BIOPLAST):
• standard: eyebrow, nose, lip, tongue, navel, ear – 110zł
• Industrial – 120zł
• surface: neck, neckline / breastbone (Cleavage / Sternum), Sideburn, the hip (hip), wrist (Wrist) etc. -120zł
• 1 teat (full anesthesia) – 120zł
• 2 teats (full anesthesia) 160zł
• Women’s intimate places (full anesthesia): Christina, abdomen, Inner Labia, Outer Labia, Vertical Hood (VCH), Horizontal Hood – 130 zł
• Women’s intimate places (full anesthesia) ): Triangle, Fourchette 140zł
anal women’s (full anesthesia) – 150zł

• microdermal – 150zł
• anaesthesia free of charge
• consultation regarding the piercing place selection for our customers after the piercing – free of charge
• consultation after piercing in other studios – 50zł
• replacement of the earring – 30zł
• earrings – 30zł
• piercing of ears’ petals with handgun with earrings – 50zł.